Endurant Premium (P+)
Ultra-concentrated paint that provides an eye-popping, lively, deep, rich green, slightly darker in color than Endurant PR.
Often the top choice for bentgrass, fescue, bluegrass, bermuda, rye, and centipede.
Can be used on brown grass or to enhance the existing color of green grass.
1 gallon
Ultra-concentrated paint that provides an eye-popping, lively, deep, rich green, slightly darker in color than Endurant PR.
Often the top choice for bentgrass, fescue, bluegrass, bermuda, rye, and centipede.
Can be used on brown grass or to enhance the existing color of green grass.
1 gallon

Ultra-concentrated paint that provides an eye-popping, lively, deep, rich green, slightly darker in color than Endurant PR.
Often the top choice for bentgrass, fescue, bluegrass, bermuda, rye, and centipede.
Can be used on brown grass or to enhance the existing color of green grass.
1 gallon